Wednesday 1 January 2014

Virginia Water Art Society AGM 2013

Annual General Meeting
9th December 2013

The Church Hall
Beechmont Avenue
Virginia Water


1.     Apologies for absence
There were 21 members present including 8 committee members and apologies had been received from Marie Cook and Rosa Sears.

2.     Minutes of the last AGM
The minutes from 2012 had been distributed with newsletter Nov 2013. They were accepted by the meeting.

3.     Matters arising from the minutes
There were no matters arising.

4.     Chairman’s Report 2013 was given by Jean McDonnell

“Winter Exhibition 2013
“We had a really good show displaying nearly 140 paintings by 27 Artists and 4 crafts people. Despite having to change the date by one week we managed to inform most of our visitors and although the Sunday was quiet from lunchtime onward Saturday was busy.We sold 8 paintings and the crafts did well with a total sales of approx. £900. Not quite back to the good old days but certainly an improvement on last year.The Deputy Mayor’s favourite painting was a drawing of a Cyclamen by Wendy Trinder and Wendy has received the Pat Hare award. The public voted John Fordham’s painting ‘Calm’ their favourite and so John received the Rose Bowl.

Summer Exhibition 2013
The Summer Exhibition was amazingly successful with 37 paintings sold which in today’s climate really was very good.  We know it’s not all about the selling but it’s very nice when you d.o Margaret no doubt will give us the figures shortly and we should all be very proud of ourselves. And a big thank you to all those who helped to organise it.

We have had a wonderful collection of demonstrations this year and they have been entertaining informative and inspiring and included our favourite locals like Sera Knight and Freda Anderson to more unusual Artists like Sharon Hurst with her silk painting(watch out for her workshop in the New Year) We have Pam to thank for sourcing these Artists, having been Programme Secretary for some years Pam has a great deal of knowledge of the demonstrators and has asked if next year she could have some help, she is just starting 2015 and if you feel you could give some assistance please come and talk to us.
The addition of the new camera has added to the enjoyment of the demonstrations and after a few teething problems we have mastered the technical side of it.  John my husband and Doug have been the ones to operate the camera so far but we would like more people to get involved.

We had three workshops this year Sera Knight (lovely Artist) Jo Louca, really well organised and generous with her materials and Kim Page, a firm favourite. They were well attended but on occasions we have not covered our costs so a special effort to participate must be made next year and we will have to collect the fees in advance.

Painting together days
Our painting days are going very well enjoyed by about 12 of us who paint usually with some light classical music in the background. It would be nice to see one or two more join us just to ensure we can continue to cover our cost.

Winter Exhibition 2012
Although the Painting sales were disappointing we had quite a good turnout of visitors who gave us some wonderful comments and feedback regarding the work.The crafts did well  with a total of £600 in sales but unfortunately we did not break even and a discussion took place at the last AGM as to whether we should have 2 summer exhibitions or only a one day winter exhibition but in the end it was decided we should not measure success by sales especially in the present climate, and a vote was taken to continue in the present way.

Our membership has continued to be steady with the loss of one or two older members moving away and several new members joining us throughout the year. The sad closure of Sunningdale Art Society prompted us to put out invitations for them to come and visit us and I’m glad to say that we are already welcoming some as new members. Shan has done a sterling job as Membership Secretary encouraging new members and keeping us all up to date with our subs
Thank you Shan

Many Thanks To
Margaret for keeping the finances in order
Patricia for door collections raffle and a warm welcome for everyone.
Marie for her support and advice.
Doug our handyman  gazebo lender and camera man
Anne for taking the minutes of the committee meetings
Rodney for the sterling work behind the scene with Newsletters, Printing, Catalogue, Posters, Invites and much more
Rosa for organising the outing
Ron for recording the visitors
Louise for tea & coffee supplies
Anne Harrison for looking after the magazines,
Barbara our latest recruit soon to be put to work

This is the third year I have served as Chairman and can honestly say I have thoroughly enjoyed my time in office. We are very fortunate to have a good strong committee and it is because of their help that we have been able to do so much. I would also like to say thank you to all the members who took part over the years in the various activities of the Society which help to make it so enjoyable and successful.   I do think it is important for the Society’s continuation that we have both continuity and change in equal measure, so this year I will be stepping down as Chairman but am happy to continue on the committee.”

5.    Treasurer’s Report
Margaret circulated copies of the Financial Report for 2013, went through it and explained each item. Its acceptance was proposed by Rodney and it was accepted by the meeting. Margaret added that it was important that the Society keep researching for the best return on the bond which enables us to pay the main running costs and reduces pressure and anxiety on the membership fees. She added that the use of emails greatly reduced the postage costs and should be encouraged.
She was thanked for all her work and she reminded the meeting that a new Treasurer would be needed by October 2014.

6.    Nominations & Election of the Committee for 2014
Jean resigned as Chairman and she was thanked for her service to the Society. It was proposed by John Fordham and agreed that she remain on the Committee as vice-Chairman. She would continue with the work on Publicity
Shan Turner was proposed and elected as Chairman and all of the present Committee agreed to continue to serve. Barbara Isaacs agreed to take on Subscription/Membership duties and Anne Keen agreed to continue as Honorary Examiner. Alan Carr has offered to join the Committee.
Margaret was thanked for her work.

7.    Subs for the coming year
It was reported that with 71 members in the Society the present subscription of £25.00 p.a. could continue for 1 more year. It would be reviewed at the AGM in 2014. At present potential members are offered a free visit to a demonstration. With the closure of the Sunningdale Art Society a dialogue had been opened with them by the Chairman and some interest has been shown by their members seeking a new society. They had also visited the exhibition.

8.    A.O.B.
The Chairman reminded the meeting that the next Society meeting would be on January 8th and comprise a show and talk event.
A new improved tea rota was needed and the Committee agreed to deal with it.

Alexandra Edge proposed a vote of thanks to the Committee and the meeting unanimously agreed.
The meeting closed at 3.00 p.m. and was followed by tea and Christmas fare for which the members were thanked.

Jean was presented with some flowers and thanked for her work as Chairman 
and accepted a bottle of whiskey for her husband John McDonnell and thanks for his work with the camera.  

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