Thursday, 5 December 2019

Demonstration by Stephen Cheeseman 4.12.19

our last demonstration of 2019 was Stephen Cheeseman who came to show us how he uses oil pastels and painted figures in movement horse racing in an loose style.  He gave us lots of information about painting with oil pastels and during the interval ask some of the members if they would like to try out the pastels by painting over his work and then after the break he showed us how he could recover and alter the additions and bring back the work thus showing us how mistakes can be rectified.  It was a very enjoyable evening thank you Stephen.

Thursday, 21 November 2019

Final painting done by David White at the November Demonstration

The final painting is now finished and on its way to the owners of these two dogs David White bought the painting to the November meeting of Virginia Water Art Society where he was working on the nose and eye of the dog on the right he was showing the audience how to paint realistic features bu until now we could not show the painting in full as it was to be a surprise for the owners.

Friday, 15 November 2019

Demonstration by David White 6.11.19

Our Demonstrator for November was David White and the members were very impressed with Davids work which he bought samples of David was very generous with sharing his secrets of a good painting and gave us all so much information on how to achieve the best results. 
Thank you David for a great demonstration I'm sure we will be seeing you again.

Saturday, 12 October 2019

Demonstration by Tony Parsons Caricature in oil 2.10.19

Something different tonight Caricatures by Tony Parsons first a pen caricature Of Ida and then an oil caricature of Doug in oils thank you for a very enjoyable evening Tony.